Humble Menthe Romarin

Humble Mint Rosemary

Mint and rosemary-flavoured alcoholic beverage

In collaboration with Barman Bruno, we present the very first mint and rosemary-flavoured liqueur made in Quebec.

It’s fresh, refreshing, light and not too sweet. A great ally for your next cocktail party!

Rosemary Romance

  • 1 oz 1⁄2 of Humble Curaçao
  • 1⁄2 oz from Supersonic
  • 2 oz lemonade
  • 1 oz Limoncello
  • Soda Tonic

In a highball glass filled with ice cubes, add all ingredients except tonic soda. Stir with a cocktail spoon. Add tonic soda and garnish with carambola.